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Nursing homes

The properties present are only part of the countless availability that we have in Italy and abroad, so if you don't find what you are looking for, write to us and we will take action to identify one or more solutions of interest to you.
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With over 20 years of experience in the sector, our highly trained staff carefully evaluates the strengths, weaknesses and development potential of each individual case. Rest homes are residential structures where self-sufficient or partially self-sufficient elderly people find accommodation, nursing assistance, company and group activities with people in the same conditions. Our category includes not only Rest Homes, but also Community Accommodation with a maximum capacity of 12 guests and Family Homes that can accommodate a maximum of 6 guests. Each structure has been carefully selected to ensure the highest quality and safety for our guests. We care about the well-being of our elderly and are committed to providing them with a serene and familiar environment in which to feel pampered and supported. Browsing through our category you will find a wide selection of retirement homes and similar structures, each with its own characteristics and services offered. You can choose the one that best suits your investment needs.